Monday, 14 April 2008

Narelle Grieve Saturday, 10th May

Saturday 10th May
Time 1.30 pm
Place Powerhouse Museum – Powerhouse Education Centre rooms
(Note: no entry fee to museum required.)
Members and Non-members welcome. Members no charge, Non-Members $5.00

Narelle is well-known in Australian quilting circles for her outstanding hand made white on white quilts and most recently, her silk hand appliquéd quilts.
She has a comprehensive collection of antique quilts and will bring a collection of both her antique and contemporary quilts to delight and inspire us.
Find out how Narelle developed the complex and unique patterns for her white on white quilts and what her latest quilting obsession is. Enjoy her wonderful collection of old quilts and hear the stories of how they were collected. Then see if you can tell which quilts have been completed by quilters from time past and which Narelle has finished!

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